Monday, December 14, 2009

To pray like a child....

Each night as we go to bed, we pretty much have the same bedtime routine. Bath, pray, and bed. We began last night the very same way. As Eric and I knelt by the bed to pray with Gabbi, she prayed for everything she normally prays for....mama, daddy, Lady, Olivia, and so on. Then, she finished up praying with "and justice for all. Amen." Eric and I had a pretty good laugh, and Gabbi just looked at us like we had lost our mind. I followed the laughter up with "Gabbi that was great. We should say thank you to God for justice. Good job Gabbi!"

That made me think....Wow, leave it to my 3 year old to thank God for something so awesome! Justice is something I definately take for granted, as well as many other things the Lord has blessed me with as an American. Last night as I prayed before bed, I also thanked God for "justice for all," and all of the people in our great nation who make that possible. Amen....

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