Friday, November 13, 2009


Wow! Things have sure changed since I've last blogged! I hadn't been able to blog very much when we lived in South Fort Worth. Life as I knew it seemed to come to a complete halt! I am so thankful that the Lord has moved us back to this side of town. I am grateful that we are out of the bad neighborhood, and that I am able to focus on school, and attempt to do the things I love to do again! We actually found out that our store was held up at gun point by an ex-con in the middle of a weekday afternoon a few weeks ago! I can't help to think "what if..." Gabbi was always in the showroom hanging out with us, and her and I were down there by ourselves a lot too! Crazy! It makes me sick just to think about it! The man that held up the store was caught by the police shortly after he fled the scene, but not without a fight. He shot at the police officers, and ended up getting shot by them (in the arm). It ASTONISHES me that a person could value their life at $220!

I'm still working at the MDO program, which is fabulous, and I started watching Olivia again. I've also started going back to school this semester, and it has been a major butt kicking! I am very thankful to have the opportunity to go back though! I have finally picked some areas of real interest, and they are both surprisingly in the medical field! I never thought I would want to do something like that! I am currently on a fast track degree plan working towards an Occupational Therapy in Child Development degree. I'm doing every possible thing I can at TCC right now, since Texas Women's is a drive, and I still have Gabbi at home. The other thing that's perked my interest recently is Audiology/Speech Pathology since Gabbi has had so much trouble with her ears. I didn't even realize until after her surgery what an impact it had on her hearing. Most of the core classes are the same, so I'll keep plugging away and praying and the Lord will lead me where he wants me to go.

Speaking of Gabs.....She is getting so big! It is amazing to watch her grow and develop her own little personality! She is super sassy, but she is also so sweet and nurturing. It is fascinating to see how complex a 3 year old little girl can be, and just to watch her develop in every aspect of life! Even though some days are insane, I feel privileged knowing the Lord has given me such an amazing family! I love that girl so incredibly much!

Eric is staying very busy with work! He was promoted to be the GM of the Denton Hwy Uhaul facility, so if you need any moving supplies or a truck/trailer, let me know! He is doing amazing! The store was doing pretty bad when he first took it over, but it's already improved so much since he's been there! He is great at what he does!

So, that's about it! That's what our family has been up to! Life is crazy and hectic, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I am blessed to have such an amazing family!

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