Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Prayer Request...

Please pray for our family. Intertek did company wide lay-offs today, and Eric was one of the people who lost their jobs. So, now he is begining to search for a new one, and it is extremely scarey. I know that everything happens for a reason, and I've actually been talking to him for a few months now about finding a new place to work. We didn't agree with the way they conducted some of their business. I felt like Eric had to compromise his morals and values sometimes, and put his family last. I know that this will be a new begining to a new chapter in our life, which is kind of exciting. Just pray that Eric will be able to find a new job as soon as possible. Your prayers will be much appreciated!! Love you all!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch!!!

Today we went to the Pumpkin patch in Flower Mound and had sooooo much fun! We played with pumpkins, went on a hayride, played in the jump house, Gabbi rode the pony 2 times, and rode a carnival type ride! Afterwards we went to Chic-fil-A to eat and play some more! What a day!! Gabbi really loved the pony ride too.....she'd yell yeehaw! It was the cutest thing I've ever witnessed! She really felt like a cowgirl! She went to sleep really quickly tonight! Which is awesome considering we have school/work tomorrow.

My 2nd Quilt.....

This is me hard at work making my second quilt! I made it for one of my best friends for her baby shower!! It was a very exciting experience....I put so much thought into every aspect of it for her, because she is such a Strong woman, and I am completely amazed at the things she has gone through in life so far. She is an inspiration to me, and has shown me that no matter what happens in life, the Lord will get you through it. I used breast cancer material to commemorate her mom, who died of breast cancer last year, and a cowboy boot patch for her dad, who died about a month later. They were wonderful people who I loved and cherished very much!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shopping for a halloween costume for Gabbi...

Today has been so much fun so far! We got Gabbi's halloween costume! I have been searching for the perfect one, and we finally found it today! She's going to be a butterfly! I love it!! It's not your normal costume that everyone else has. It's very unique, and it's actually not dorky at all either! She had so much fun trying on all the costumes today! I wish that I would have had a video camera to capture her on film! As she tried on each costume, she would get EXTREMELY excited, and after we'd get it all the way on her, she'd run to the mirror and shake her hips and dance around! Then she'd run out of the dressing room and call for my grandmother's friend Lynda, so that she could show her too! Then she'd make a quick lap around the store so everyone else at Marshalls could see just how cute she looked, before I could snatch her up to try on the next one. She thought she was HOT stuff! What an attitude for a 2 year old, but I wouldn't have it any other way.