Saturday, November 15, 2008

Big Changes!!!

Wow!! Things are changing so quickly for our family! Eric and I went on a job interview last Saturday together for Uhaul. We interviewed for a Property Manager/General Manager position, and we were very happy with how well it went. On Monday we got a call back from them asking us to come back and meet the lady who would be our immediate supervisor, and to take a look at the property! On Tuesday we met with a realtor to see if she thought we could sell our house, and she was extremely optimistic!! (In order to take the job though, we would have to sell the house, and move to the Uhaul property.) On Wednesday we went back to Uhaul for a tour of some properties, and to go over some more of the details about the job. They ended up offering us the job Wednesday, and we officially accepted the position on Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon, we met with the realtor again and signed all the papers to put it up for sale!! Friday was the first day it was up for sale, and Eric and I have worked really hard to clear out clutter and toys to get it ready for showings this weekend! We are super excited about where the Lord is leading us. Since we started talking to Uhaul though, everything has just fallen into place. With all of the other jobs Eric interviewed for there was always something that just wouldn't work out right for our family. We are hoping to sell the house quickly, and are doing everything we can to get the word out about it.

Another cool thing about the Uhaul job, is that we were really worried about taking the job, because they're open on Sundays, and we would have to work. Well, when we went in on Wednesday to meet our direct supervisor/our schedule maker, Eric ended up knowing her!! She actually used to go to church with him as a kid, and they went to the same high school!! When we were talking with her, she had already automatically assumed that we'd need to be off for church. It was so awesome to see how the Lord opens doors!! There are just so many great benefits to taking this job! They're providing us with a FREE place to live, they pay all the utilities, and they even pay for our health insurance!!! Not to mention we get to have Gabbi with us still, and there's absolutely NO commute to work! We'll just walk downstairs and we're there! (The apartment that they provide is on the second floor of the office building of the property!!)

It's a HUGE change, but I am so excited to have fresh start in life!! I'm just praying that things will continue to go as smoothly as they have this far! I'm going put the link on here for our property listing and some pics, so please pass the word along to anyone you know who might be interested!! We're also selling tons of stuff on Craig's list. Lots of exercise equipment!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween was so much fun this year! We took Gabbi to Eric's parent's house and she got some special treats from them, and then to my parents house for pictures. After that we went to a Halloween party with all of our friends!! The kids had so much fun playing together in their costumes!! They all thought that they were too cool! I can't belive that it's already November, and that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Time sure has flown by!